Jamestown’s Spirit of Resiliency
Tribute to a Town that Knows She Can

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By Darlene Mae O’Connor

Memorial Day, or Decoration Day as it was called by my grandparents when I was young, is the day having been set aside to honor our country’s fallen heroes. Those men and women who bravely fought to protect and defend the American ideals of Individual Liberty and the Personal Freedom to pursue our full potential finding happiness as we develop meaningful and purpose driven lives. We place flowers and flags on tombstones and we participate in or attend parades and community events to memorialize and honor their ultimate sacrifice. For those of us who have experienced the loss of beloved friends and family, this day presents us with an opportunity to remember and commemorate their contributions to our lives, as well.

   I believe that while it is important to remember and honor our history, our best efforts to show our gratitude for those who have gone before us is to leave things better for our posterity. What we do today will set the course for the many who will come tomorrow and from my perspective the future view of Jamestown looks pretty good.

   Jamestown has stood the tests of time and has always found the road to reinvention. Changes in the economy have consistently been the mother of great invention here. We have been a mecca for tourism and entertainment throughout the years and remain so today. The Villager has been endeavoring to recognize today’s Artists and Artisans as well as, commemorating the greats from days gone by. We enjoy showcasing the new innovative restaurants, shops and entertainment venues that are springing up and sharing our latest contributions to the world of music and theatre as they continue to grow. We are a community full of natural wonders and amazing potential, but what makes our city truly special are the people who live, work and play here and we wanted to share their smiles to say: Thank you to those who have gone before and to Welcome those who will come Today and Tomorrow.



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