EVL Village Life: Kristina C. Coolidge N.D.
Talented Naturopathic Practicing in the Heart of the Village

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I think it’s quite noble to be drawn to a life that calls you to heal others.  I was steered in the direction of Kristina C. (Barlow) Coolidge N.D. who is enveloped in the passion for what she does as much as anyone else I’ve met along the way who love what they do.

     Kristina works on the second floor of the beautiful Nature’s Remedy building at 26 Monroe Street which also has an open entry to Gado Gado, the unique boutique right next door.  It’s a very nice property owned by Gretchen Mendell.  She gave me a guided tour as we ascended to her personally furnished office that she refers to as her “home away from home”.  The room offers a very comforting atmosphere.  She specifically pointed out a few vintage barn wood pieces that accentuates the architecture.

    She smartly suggested that we approach the interview with the premise of having made an actual appointment.  That would allow her to demonstrate her knowledge and talents as I ask questions during the procedures.

Kristina is a board-certifi ed naturopathic doctor who graduated from the University Of Bridgeport
College Of Naturopathic Medicine in 2009. She also received her B.A. with minor in psychology from Quinnipiac University. She is pursuing further education in the study of Classical Hahnemannian Homeopathy, Naturopathy & CranioSacral Therapy. She also works with Breanna Coolidge, an excellent and effective refl exologist and Ashley Morris offering Detox Foot Baths.

     As I approached the day of our appointment, I embraced the idea and allowed myself to enjoy it without any preconceived notion.  

     The first thing we did was go into an adjoining room to experience an Ionic Detox Foot Bath.  It is said to energize cells, balance the body and strengthens the detoxification organs to eliminate toxins.  It also increases your overall sense of health and well-being. So off came the shoes and socks as I slipped my feet into the warm water.

     I never had a foot bath quite like this one and during the time that passed, Kristina and I had the chance to chat about on each other’s lives.  Kristina is someone with whom you can confide and allow her understanding and compassion to flow through you.

     She connected with Gretchen Mendell, owner of Nature’s Remedy many years ago and formed a 20-year friendship and partnership.  Nature’s Remedy operated first at the local gym where Katy’s Café resides, then at the marketplace now occupied by Mud, Sweat & Gears.

      Products include healthy natural options for foods including dry goods, bulk foods and refrigerated.  Also, bath & body products, gift items and high-quality supplements.  Best sellers include Seedz Crackers, organic dried mango, ginger, figs & dates and various teas like the sweet & spicy.   Also, frozen bone broths and bags of fruit.  There is Recess and Kombucha drinks and a handful of homemade and organic whipped Tallow Cream & more.

     After the foot bath it was time to move into her suite, lay down, relax and experience CranioSacral Therapy.  It is an energetic touch procedure affecting the spine, skull, cranial sutures, diaphragms and fascia.  It’s an effective therapy for trauma patients especially those who may have been the victim of an automobile accident and post surgeries.  Some have felt like they’ve gone “on a magic carpet ride”.

    Kristina is a board-certified naturopathic doctor who graduated from the University Of Bridgeport College Of Naturopathic Medicine in 2009.  She also received her B.A. with minor in psychology from Quinnipiac University.  She is pursuing further education in the study of Classical Hahnemannian Homeopathy, Naturopathy & CranioSacral Therapy.  She also works with Breanna Coolidge, an excellent and effective reflexologist and Ashley Morris offering Detox Foot Baths. 

     I shared with her my personal journey with Roswell and she immediately knew of and suggested supplement ideas.  She offered to perform a Bio Scan at a future date.  Because I’m currently undergoing a clinical trial, my oncology team asked me to take a rain check on that for now although they were encouraged with the idea.

     There were so many great dynamics we shared and I ultimately found Kristina to be an amazing professional and I felt comfortable placing my trust in her. 

     You can call/text her at 716-353-0786. Email her at drbarlow@naturopathicpartners.com or Facebook her as Kristina Camille Barlow N.D. and Kristina Barlow Coolidge N.D.

    Thank you Kristina, for taking my EVL Village Life to an elevated level. Great meeting you!


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