Local College Student Studies Abroad
EVL’s Gabriel Snyder Heads to Europe

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By Kate Bartlett

   20-year- old Gabriel Snyder of Ellicottville recently started his journey studying abroad for 10 months during his third year at Sarah Lawrence College in Bronxville, NY. Studying Theatre and Art History, he sought to deepen his appreciation for the arts while immersing himself in European culture.

     Proud parents Heather Sullivan and Mathew Snyder said bon voyage to their son on September 8th as he set off for his first program in London. “It’s bittersweet,” says Heather. “We are so incredibly proud of him for seeking out these programs and being accepted, but it’s still hard to say goodbye. We know he’ll do great and return with not only a broad education in his studies, but also amazing stories to tell.”

 Gabriel has been interested in the arts for as long as he can remember. “I’ve really been interested in the arts my entire life. I remember going up to Shea’s or the Albright Knox as a kid which really helped kickstart my passion, that and the fact that my grandmother would make me watch Turner Classic Movies growing up.”


Proud parents Heather Sullivan (pictured) and Mathew Snyder said bon voyage to their son Gabe (pictured, off for his first program in London. “It’s bittersweet,” says Heather. “We seeking out these programs and being accepted, but it’s still hard to saygoodbye. We know he’ll do great and return with not only a broad education in his studies, but also amazing stories to tell.”

He applied and was accepted to Sarah Lawrence College in Bronxville/Yonkers, a private liberal arts school. As he furthered his education and gained experience in theatre, he became more interested in acting and directing. Working at the Metropolitan Opera in New York City for the past year and a half sparked his interest in Opera, and he has spent his summers perusing his acting career including background roles in shows like Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, Gossip Girl, American Horror Story, Law and Order, and Wu-Tang: An American Saga. Gabriel is energized by the city. He’s followed his passions and seized many opportunities in Manhattan.

       Knowing he wanted to further his studies abroad, he applied and was accepted to the British American Drama Academy program in London, England, with 39 students from all over the United States. Throughout this intensive, conservatory program, Gabriel will complete a curriculum of courses, many of which are taught by renown actors, including alumni Patrick Stuart and Adam Kantor. He will be immersed in the world of drama and theatre, attending various productions in London. “Gabriel is interested in virtually all aspects of theatre, and this is a great opportunity for him. It’s a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to experience world renown theatre in London, learning from the experts and immersing himself in these studies.”

      After only 2 weeks in London, Gabe is already feeling energized and inspired by the city. “It has been absolutely amazing!” says Gabe. “I’ve already learned so much from my classes, read three new plays, seen four shows, and have gone to the National Gallery. I can’t believe it’s only been a few weeks. I’m really enjoying being in a place where I can just focus on my acting, it’s a lot of work but it’s very rewarding. Also not to mention, theatre is so highly regarded here and tickets are cheap, perfect for college students!”

     During his second semester abroad, from February-June, Gabriel will be living and studying Art History in Florence, Italy, through the Middlebury College Study Abroad Program. By living and studying with Italians and being involved in the community through extracurriculars, Gabriel will be immersed in the Italian culture. He will also be taking language classes in an immersive context on the beginner track. Gabe has always had an interest in visual art as his father is a stained-glass artist, but he’s deepened his appreciation for the arts through his studies. “When I took a masterworks class with the fantastic Jerrilynn Dodds, I fell in love with the visual arts. In Italy I’m excited to submerge myself in a culture so rich with artistic traditions. I’ve found art history not only captivates me, but informs my work as a director and costume designer all while helping me to become a more well-rounded person and artist.”

       In between semesters, Gabriel plans to travel around Europe on his own, plans to be determined. When he returns, he plans to finish his final year at Sarah Lawrence and resume working at the MET Opera, while pursuing his artistic career in the city.  He’s inspired by the works of Oscar Wilde, and would love to work on a play either as a director or actor. He hopes his studies abroad give him a more diverse background and deepen his appreciation for both theatre and the arts, in order to help him further his career.

    Gabriel’s story can inspire us all to follow our passions and surrounds ourselves in something we love. We’re never too old, or too young, to learn something new. For more information about the programs visit https://www.sarahlawrence.edu/,, http://www.bada.org.uk/study/london-theatre-program/, https://www.middlebury.edu/schools-abroad/schools/italy


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