The Seneca Flag Flies
Jamestown Represents Our Diverse City

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By, Darlene Mae O’Connor

  Planting Seeds of Cultural Understanding in Jamestown Encourages Social Equity and Future Prosperity

    The healthiest, most prosperous and enduring communities throughout history are not ethnocentric rather they are steeped in ethnic diversity and engaged in authentic and respectful recognition of all people’s cultural heritage. By honoring the unique contributions made by those of every: race, gender and walk of life who came before us, we affirm the significance and vital importance of all humanity. Hamlet’s, Villages, Township’s and great Cities alike, thrive when the socioeconomic and political landscape is open for all to participate and when the inclusion of everyone is encouraged.

   The Southern tier region, unique in its geography and historical development, is well known for the many and varied cultural contributions to society. Musicians, Statesmen and Artists seem to organically grow here and the names of our most treasured natural resources and favorite places were named by the Indigenous People who first called these hills and valley’s home. I am proud to be a citizen of Jamestown in Chautauqua County as the Seneca Flag Waves over Tracey Plaza and City Hall. These are the moments that will forge our future and they are initiated today by the younger generation of people in our community. Leaders like Kaycee Colburn and Mayor Eddie Sunquist, who bring our many cultures together to give voice to the under recognized and overlooked, creating a spirit of inclusion that will lead our city to a place of social diversity, political and cultural equity and ensure our future prosperity.

   Thank you, Kaycee Colburn and Mayor Eddie Sunquist for putting this event together.

   Special Thank You, to the following speakers and attendees; Senator Tom Borrello, Seneca Councilor Tina Abrams, Isaiah Rashad with the Human Rights Organization, Assemblyman Andrew Goodell, Seneca Councilor Maurice John, Councilman Bill Reynolds, Julie Jackson~ Forsberg and Hilton Johny ~ John recited the Ganonyok.

May we continue to Raise Flags and Awareness for Our Best Possible Futures.

CHAUTAUQUA a pair of moccasins tied together.


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