The Legacy of the Lenhart
Changes Upcoming for Bemus Point, NY

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By Victoria Pavlock

   The Hotel Lenhart is known to be one of Chautauqua county’s oldest and greatest landmarks. The hotel’s foundation has stayed within the same family since the late 1800s. With this being said, changes are now coming for the Lenhart and the entire Village of Bemus Point. Fourth generation owners, Bebe and John Johnston recently decided on selling their hotel so that they could retire. The Johnstons stated that the pandemic played a major part in their decision to sell. John Johnston said during an interview, “During Covid years we had a difficult time staffing the hotel. As a result, management had to step in to do much of the daily operations work”. The fifth generation of the family had the intention to move in and take over, but it was stated that it “was realized by all of us that the hotel did not generate sufficient income to support all of us”. With the decision to sell outside of the family, a family from Pittsburgh decided that they were up for the project. Jill and William Curry are planning to officially close on the Lenhart towards the end of April.

   With the Curry’s purchase of the hotel, comes their new vision for the historic treasure of Bemus. According to the previous owners, there were no contingencies attached to the Lenhart. One of the main reasons that the Johnston family accepted the offer that Chautauqua Hospitality presented to them was because “the buyers have indicated that they want to maintain as much as possible the ambiance and history of the hotel”. The new blueprint includes a rooftop deck, a decrease in the amount of rooms, no shared bathrooms, a heated pool, a sprinkler system, a spa, along with a major maintenance makeover. The former laundry facility behind the Lenhart has plans to become the said bakery and creamery. In order to make room for the rooftop deck addition, the number of available rooms will change from 57 to 40. All 40 rooms will now be able to have their own private bath-room, unlike the previous structure that included several shared bathrooms. Installation of heating and air conditioning is a part of the renovation plan. Full time employment of approximately 60 is to be expected.

   With all of these changes, the new owners hope to have the hotel up and running all seasons of the year. It is well known that Bemus Point remains to be the hot spot for tourism and events during the summer season, and quiet during the winter. Most businesses in the village open around Memorial Day and close near Labor Day. Equitable factors of leaving the Lenhart open throughout all seasons could become a speculation, but the Johnstons have an optimistic take. “We wish the Currys the best in operating year-round in Bemus Point. The plans they have will allow the hotel to stay open in the winter. Bemus Point is principally a summer resort destination. There are opportunities for guests in the winter months. Skiing, snowmobiling, ice fishing and many other winter sports”. This refreshing take could bring an entirely new feel for Bemus and its company. Other seasonal businesses in Bemus could have the potential to stay open annually with more foot traffic that the Len-hart brings in, according to the Johnston family.

With the Curry’s purchase of the hotel, comes their new vision for the historic treasure of Bemus. According to the previous owners, there were no contingencies attached to the Lenhart. One of the main reasons that the Johnston family accepted the offer that Chautauqua Hospitality presented to them was because “the buyers have indicated that they want to maintain as much as possible the ambiance and history of the hotel”.

The Johnstons along with the entire Chautauqua Lake community show great anticipation for the future of the Lenhart and the new owners. Many hopes come with the changes that are in progress. “Our hope is that the Currys will continue the hotel’s history. The Hotel Lenhart has a special place in the hearts of our guests. Many generations have stayed with us over the years.


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