The Great Train Robbery
Local Renowned Alt. Reggae Band at Griffis Summer Festival

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By Kate Bartlett

     Legendary Buffalo based alternative reggae band The Great Train Robbery will be playing Griffis Summer Festival Saturday August 18. Dubbed kings of the Buffalo music scene from the late 1980’s-mid 2000s, the band has been on somewhat of a hiatus for 12 years until recently. Returning in 2022, the band has been playing sold out shows at the Town Ballroom, but this will be their first outdoor performance in many years.

The Great Train Robbery will be playing Griffis
Summer Festival Saturday August 18. Photos/ Jeff
Tracy Photography.

     Songwriter and lead singer/guitarist David Watts describes their sound as funky reggae, playing all original songs, no covers. “We try put on a show as opposed to just playing a list of songs,” says David. “We typically play indoors with a rapid-fire song style.” The indoor set list is more scripted with an overall faster pace, while an outdoor concert allows for more of a laid back, performance style show. “It’s going to be interesting playing outside for the first time in a great while,” says David. “We’re really looking forward it.”

     As lead singer/guitarist, David listens to the crowd and connects with their energy in order to determine which songs to play. “You never know what you’re going to get,” says David. “We change the song order on stage and adapt to the crowd. Switching songs, dropping songs, adding songs; faster, slower. Playing outdoors, it’s more of a performance than a concert.”

   The Great Train Robbery is currently comprised of 7 members, with a horn section, rhythm and vocals. Their funky reggae style is captivating, upbeat, and all original music. “You really have to experience our music in order to get a sense of what we’re up to.”, explains David. “For those who know our music, they’ll understand that this show has a different feel. For those who are just seeing us for the first time, we hope it will be an interestingly different experience for them.”

     David and the band are looking forward to the performance. “We love our fans, the crowds are great and we’re really looking forward to doing something unusual. There’s a special element, a unique energy to any outdoor performance, and we’re ready to put on a show.”

      The question was asked, “What are your influences?” As a songwriter, he is influenced by every-thing. “There’s only one answer to that question,” states David. “Everything. Things you hear. People you meet. Places you go. The good and the bad.  We are all influenced by everything. If you mean “musical influences”, the answer is still the same. It’s an art, and inspiration is everywhere.”

   For more information on Griffis Summer Music Festival visit and to hear Great Train Robbery visit songs on YouTube.


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