Portland to Portland: – Cross Country by Bike
Bonnie Koschir of Ellicottville’s Trek from Oregon to Maine

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By Kate Bartlett

   Bonnie Koschir just completed the journey of a lifetime, a cross country bicycle trip from Portland, OR to Portland, ME. She joined 22 riders from all over the US with Trek Travel bicycle tours across the northern tier of this beautiful country, from Pacific to Atlantic. Crossing 15 states, 3800 miles climbing more than 157,000 feet over the course of 42 riding days, the trip was epic.

   Bonnie has deep roots in the Ellicottville community as a 4th generation native.  She has lived in Canada and Florida, then returned to the area where she worked at Holiday Valley for almost 30 years until she retired 2 years ago. She is the proud mother of 2, Derek Koschir and Niki Klein, and 5 grandchildren. Bonnie has always enjoyed biking, especially mountain biking. When she started road biking 15 years ago, she was hooked.

   Before this adventure, Bonnie rode the Empire State ride, which is a 550-mile bike ride across New York State to raise monies for Roswell cancer research.  She loves biking and finds it therapeutic yet challenging. “Biking to me is two things: solitude, which allows you to be with nature, your own thoughts and personal challenges when riding alone. Second, it can be very social when riding with friends.”

Bonnie has had the desire to bike cross-country for several years, so she figured it was now or never. “I flew out to Portland Oregon and traveled to Astoria Oregon where my Portland-to-Portland trip started at the Pacific Ocean.  There were 22 people from all over the US, 1 other female.  The 5 guides with Trek Travel did an outstanding job looking after all the details.  The travel company provided the routes, hotels, food, bike, and support for the ride.”

   “The best part of the journey was traveling through rural areas where you wouldn’t go if you were traveling in a vehicle; having time to really appreciate the beauty.” While the regiment of sleeping, eating, drinking, and pedaling day after day, keeping your body healthy was extremely difficult, she would do it again in a heartbeat. “I planned to do the ride with my girlfriend, but she was unable to go. If she ever wants to do it, I will go again with her.”

   The scenery from Bonnie’s adventure is incomparable. “The Northwest through the Cascade mountains to the snowcapped Rocky Mountain in Montana…the views can’t be beat. The Badlands were indescribably colorful and beautiful. Just amazing. We rode through lots of prairie land through eastern Wyoming and South Dakota. I’ll never forget the sweeping views and rolling hills through Wisconsin to Michigan headed through the steep climbs and lush forests of Pennsylvania and New York. Biking through Vermont and New Hampshire were beautiful yet as challenging as some of the western states due to the mountainous terrain.”

   Next, Bonnie will be joining her friends again in the Empire State Ride to raise money for Roswell. “It’s such a great cause and it’s amazing to see all the positive results from the fundraising.” She is looking forward to spending time with her family and friends now that she is home, and continues to enjoy every day.

    Bonnie encourages readers to find their own adventure. “Don’t wait. If you think you think you really want to do something, make it happen.” For more information on biking adventures visit Trektravel.net. But your adventure could be right in your own backyard! Go find it.


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