Mental Health Awareness Month
Our Resort Towns have the Secret to Better Mental Health

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By Carol Fisher-Linn

   “The benefits of time outside to our mental well-being are profound – but not well known. Mental Health America (MHA) is proud to join forces with outdoor retailer L.L. Bean to solve this problem, creating awareness of how spending time in nature results in greater creativity, lower stress, increased self-esteem, and reduced anxiety.” (

   Now, before I tell you more about the L.L. Bean challenge, I can’t help but toot the horn of our surrounding communities that offer opportunities for mental and physical well-being.  Snowmobiling, skiing, and snowboarding in the winter; walking these beautiful hills year-round. There is hiking and biking, working out at our health clubs/gyms, yoga, Pilates, golf, swimming, Sky High Adventure Park, boarding, and fishing. Walk through the Nannen Arboretum and make it a tree identification walk for a little mental challenge. Visit Allegany State Park, Zoar Valley, Griffis Sculpture Park, Rock City Park, and Pfeiffer Nature Center in Portville. Take a hike on the old logging roads that run through the state lands across the Enchanted Mountains. In Chautauqua County, “a robust trail system and ample parks provide year-round opportunities for nature adventures on some of the best hiking trails in NY. Discover magnificent views and undisturbed landscapes while hiking, mountain biking, horseback riding, snowshoeing, cross-country skiing, bird watching or snowmobiling the area’s network of multi-use trails.” (

     There is boating in the Chautauqua region and plenty of walking tourism opportunities throughout. The Southern Tier offers as many things as your imagination will call you to do. We are in our own little oasis when it comes to having so many physical well-being activities at our fingertips. Do I dare say “Nirvana?”

   Mental health is nothing to joke about. Likewise, it is nothing to avoid discussing. We have all had our occasional mental health challenges, from the simple “blues” to deep depression, and everything in between. We shake ourselves out of it, we seek help, or sadly, many simply hide it, because society has for so long made it a taboo subject. Thankfully, it is being talked about more openly today. Let’s look at a few famous celebrities who have talked about their battle with mental illness and have risen above it. Let’s start with “The Rock” Dwayne Johnson, who has been very open about his issues with depression and anxiety. Stars like Lady Gaga, Ryan Reynolds and Demi Lovato have talked publicly about their battles with mental illness. Some might give advice, like seeking counseling and medication, which Selena Gomez has done. Kristin Bell admitted how her husband’s mental difficulties impacted their marriage, but how treatment helped them get through it. Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have used their status to raise awareness. Lena Dunham encourages those stricken with mental disease to exercise to improve both their physical and mental health. Mariah Carey, Chrissy Tiegen, Leonardo DiCaprio, Angelina Jolie, Britney Spears, Brad Pitt, Gwyneth Paltrow, Beyoncé, Kendall Jenner, Daniel Radcliffe, Adele, Ellen, Miley Cyrus, Nicki Minaj, and Bruce Springsteen all make the list.  Michael Phelps struggled with mental health issues from childhood (ADHD). In 2018 he teamed up with Talkspace, launching a campaign to inspire others to speak out about their mental health struggles, using his influence to give others hope. Bottom line: If you, or someone you love, are struggling with mental health issues, reach out, speak up, find help. You are not alone. Learn from Michael. Go to and

   There are many ways to get involved in mental health advocacy and awareness, including donating to mental health organizations (, volunteering, sharing your own story and participating in the L.L.Bean Feel-Good Challenge.

     “In recognition of Mental Health Month and the feel-good benefits of time outside, L.L. Bean invites you to work together with other participants towards a combined goal of 500,000 hours outside during the month of May. L.L. Bean is donating $25,000 to Mental Health America – and will donate $50,000 if the challenge is met.”

    Since this is a combined challenge, you only need to spend the time that’s right for you, whether that’s hours or minutes. Even a small amount of time outside can make a big impact on one’s mental well-being. Through your joint efforts, you’ll raise awareness of the importance time outside has on mental health and help ensure this awareness is shared with everyone who needs it. Plus, you’ll have a wonderful time outdoors doing the things you love – or maybe even trying something new. Here’s where you find out more and sign up:


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