HoliMont’s 2nd Annual Dummy Downhill
Giving Easter Blessings!

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By Dan Balkin 

Smiles seemed to be everyones default facial expression

Look out Winter Olympics, there is a new winter sensation called the “Dummy Downhill.” These athletes – real Dummies actually – don’t need to train or stick to a regimented diet to compete. On Sunday, April 2nd, HoliMont held its second annual Dummy Downhill. As the name implies, HoliMont members constructed actual inanimate Dummies that were designed to careen down a designated slope, go over a jump, and if the ski gods were with them, spectacularly crash and be reduced to a pile of carnage at the bottom of the hill. Fun? You bet! Even though these competitors were just Dummies, they still had to stick to some strict rules: Dummies had to be on skis or a snowboard; had to be no taller than 6 feet tall and could not exceed 75 lbs in weight – the dummies were obviously not allowed to consume beer or chicken wings! In addition, any form of pyrotechnics, such as Russian artillery shells that would fizzle, hiss, and emit sparks were strictly forbidden.

Due to the vagaries of their construction, not every Dummy made it over the jump, but the crowd still roared in approval as the Dummy would often wind up in an awkward position no one could envision when it was launched from the starting gate. For instance, one of the photos shows two Dummies (one headless because its head had fallen off on the descent) staring at each other on the crest of the jump. Kids of all ages came out to watch the event, and smiles seemed to be everyone’s default facial expression. This week is Easter week and every Christian believes that the miracle of miracles, Jesus rising from the dead, is commemorated on Easter Sunday. Let us also remember that our beloved liftie, Charley Coolidge, who acted as the events MC, would like to thank everyone in the Ellicottville region and beyond for their countless prayers that Charley and his family are certain helped raise their son and brother Emmett off his sick bed at Oishei Children’s Hospital last week. The power of prayer? Even a Dummy knows it has the power to lift us up. Emmett, Happy Easter and we are glad you are back home with your family, friends, and the entire Ellicottville community. 


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