HoliMont Spotlight
HoliMont Mountain Manager Mark Burkhard

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By Dan Balkin

   Compliments have an interesting trajectory among the management team at HoliMont – they flow downward.  Compliment GM Ed Youmans on our remarkable snowmaking and grooming, and he will immediately say “Thank Mark Burkhard.”  Compliment Mark Burkhard and he will immediately start talking about our dedicated snowmakers and groomers.  Undoubtedly, this camaraderie is why HoliMont has some of the very best skiing in the Northeast during this weather-challenged winter.  Some movies start at the end and then roll backwards to fill in the story – such was my interview with Mark.  At the very end, we walked outside and Mark told me something humbly:  He is a man of faith.  This sparked a conversation between us about our shared human frailties and imperfections – and redemption.  When I first sat down to talk with Mark, he wanted to talk about anything but himself.  He had not yet told me about his faith, he was simply living it.  Mark explained to me the “Core Values” that guide the team at Holimont.  It is a blueprint for our success:  #1 Family First! – Not just the HoliMont members families, but also the “family” of HoliMont employees.  #2 Be Like Pete – Pete Widger, the former HoliMont GM, who has only been skiing for 82 years!!, and still does our morning snow report, is known in these parts for his unwavering optimism and great attitude.

Mark Burkhard, HoliMont Mountain Manager.

  It’s contagious.  #3 Always On It – Tirelessly hard working and laser like focus.  #4 Keep Building – Learning skills, evolving, growing.  The purpose of the core values?  Generations of family fun.


Mark arrived in our mountains in his late teens.  A roofing contractor Mark worked for also worked as the overnight crew leader for snowmaking at HoliMont. In the early 1980s, this contractor hired Mark to work at HoliMont on that same overnight shift.  In 1983, 40 years ago, Mark was hired as a full-time employee.  Eventually Mark moved from snowmaking to the Lift Department.  Mark described this time as “Learning as much as possible, finding a niche.”  Mark learned a lot.  He was regularly sent by HoliMont to attend a seminar at Butternut Mountain in MA to learn more about the intricacies of the mechanical and electrical systems of ski lifts.  From 1992 – 2002, Mark was HoliMont’s Lift Department supervisor and did lift maintenance in the summer.  In 2003, Mark approached former HoliMont GM Dave Riley and suggested he assume the role of Mountain Manager.  Mark had an honest and heartfelt one sentence sales pitch to get the job: “I would like the opportunity to build a team here.”  We only need to look at our amazing snowmaking, world-class grooming, and employee teamwork to see that hiring Mark as Mountain Manager was one of HoliMont’s most farsighted moves.  Under Mark’s umbrella as Mountain Manager, he coordinates closely with the supervisors of the Lift, Snowmaking, Grooming, Vehicles, Safety, and Ski Patrol Departments.  This complex job of coordinating with all the supervisors of all the departments leads to a question:  Does Mark sleep?  In my opinion, soundly!  It is the sleep of a clear conscience for a job well done.  I asked Mark what he enjoyed most about his job and the answer was characteristically Mark: “The people, the team – seeing the growth of the employees.”  I was almost ready to toss my dusty resume across Mark’s desk! 

Mark and his wife Kim have three children and four grandchildren.  The grandchildren are 7 months – eight years old.  His voice was soft, and his eyes glistened as he spoke of them.  Mark has a van and loves “The adventure of the open road” with his family.   A few of their favorite trips were a long drive to Arizona and an epic journey along the legendary Route 66.  Mark is very grateful for all the opportunities for advancement HoliMont has provided him.  He wants nothing more than to pass this baton of opportunity along to the next generation of HoliMont leaders.  In conclusion, Mark said that working at a ski area is a “lifestyle choice.”  How true.  We are blessed that Mark chose to style his working life around HoliMont!


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