HoliMont Men’s Day
Adaptive Ski Program Fundraiser Fri., Feb. 3

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Ellicottville, NY

The annual Men’s Day to benefit the HoliMont Phoenix Adaptive Program is back and more fun than ever next Friday from 9am-4pm! Funds are raised via silent auctions, direct donations, live auctions and event proceeds.

   The auctions include cool items like an Atomic Banger snowboard and a pair of 1930’s free-style 8 ft. hickory jumping skis that are like new.


Claire Rider, a Phoenix instructor, displays a limited edition ATOMIC BANGER snowboard that will be offered

Fun activities are in store all day from cigar rolling and cut/grill your own steaks to the ever-popular tricycle race.

   A race is scheduled for the same day, to start at 10:30am. This event is sponsored by Maverick Distillery. Same-day registration costs only $5, and prizes will be awarded for the best racers in each age category: 25 and under, 26 to 35, 36 to 45, 46 to 55, and 56 and over. For questions about the race, contact Rick Ross at 905-518-5396, or rross3@cogeco.ca.

   Attendance is expected to be back up to pre-COVID numbers of 700+. According to organizer Dave Vander Ploeg, “It will be ‘epicus funus’ to get everyone back together again AND to raise ‘Phunds for Phoenix’ with all kinds of silliness.”  Dave also hinted that they have planned a “big reveal” on the day of the event… So, come up with cameras and witness it to believe it!

   The charity fundraiser draws a variety of sponsors ranging from their Platinum Sponsor, the Seneca Casino, to Yuengling and Pabst. A wall of sponsors will be on display. For questions about the fundraiser, email Dave at dvan@drmg.ca.

   In the last few years, this fundraiser was able to provide over $70,000 to support HoliMont’s Phoenix Community Outreach Program, which introduces students to the sport of adaptive skiing for the first time. Last year alone they helped with equipment like the wide instructor handle for an existing sit ski, another slider with super adjustable legs (can’t miss it on the slopes, its turquoise!), 2 new sets of stand-up outriggers, various other equipment AND bursaries to help families in need get their kids out on the slopes.   But guess what?  We have immediate future needs like a new Jr. mountain man bi-ski to replace our 27 year old one!

    The group is hoping to raise enough funding to purchase a TetraSki, the world’s first alpine sit-ski to provide independent turning and speed variability through the use of a joystick and/or breath control. Immediate benefit:  2 of their impaired students can use this immediately and they can offer others to make use of this cutting-edge technology.  This innovative ski will give them freedom of controlling their own equipment and movement.  

    The Phoenix Program began in 1996 when former program director Chuck Richardson was asked to work with a special needs student. Since then, the program has grown to include students of all disabilities, both physical and cognitive. Staffed by dedicated volunteers and PSIA trained instructors, the program provides a safe, compassionate skiing and riding environment for our adaptive students’ needs.

Our goal for 2023 is to raise $25,000+! Outreach, training, equipment, are all needed. For more information on the program, visit the website https://holimont.com/programs/phoenix-adaptive/


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