Garden Girl: Welcome June!
Summer is Starting, Say Hello to the Irises

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By Linda Katherine Yates
Artist and Gardener

The name Iris comes from the Greek word for rainbow, and is the name of the Greek goddess of the rainbow. Some authors think the name refers to the wide variety of flower colours found in the many species. Iris is a genus of some 300 species of flowering plants with showy flowers. As well as being the scientific name, Iris is also widely used as the common name for all Iris species. It is a very popular garden flower for many reasons. A cluster of colourful Irises makes for an eye-catching addition to any garden. They are drought tolerant, deer resistant and they attract bees, butterflies and hummingbirds… They are a standout alone or in groups. They are particularly stunning in a large grouping of all the same choice colour. They are tolerant of a wide range of soils as long as it is well drained and in full sun. The bearded types prefer to have their rysomes (feet) exposed to the baking sun. There are several varieties of Iris in our vicinity such as the Bearded, Siberian, Japanese, and the wild blue or yellow Flag Iris. The first to bloom are the Bearded Iris and are the ones shown in the photographs here. It is almost impossible to choose a favorite! Irises are a win-win! “And since all of this loveliness cannot be Heaven, I know in my heart it must be JUNE.”


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