“EV Play Place” Highlight
The Communication Board – Helping to Convey Messages

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By Kelsey Adamson

   Ellicottville Playground Committee presents “EV Play Place”, a biweekly segment dedicated to key pieces of playground equipment planned for our Ellicottville Village Park update. The featured pieces each highlight the way design it is used to create a spirit of inclusivity in play. With the collaboration of Little Tikes and Unlimited Play, we hope to bring extra joy to all the children of our community. This week we focus on the Communication Board.

Communication Board

Introducing the Communication Board

   Often found at the entrance to the park, the Communication Board is a large and colorful 3’ X 4’8” sign prominently displayed for all to see. At closer inspection, it contains many small squares with pictures, symbols, and text. Words commonly used on the playground are featured in each block along with a graphic that either instructs how to say it in American Sign Language, or clearly depicts the word. The Communication Board provides a structured and accessible way for children to convey messages to their peers or caregivers. This board is considered “Augmentative and Alternative Communication” and is a vital tool for individuals with communication differences, providing them with alternative means to express themselves effectively. For example, a child may want to swing, but does know or is unable to say the word, pointing to the swing square can let them communicate this desire to a friend.

Benefits to our Community

   At its core, the beauty of a community park is for children to meet and play with their peers, learn from each other and grow. The goal of this piece of equipment is to allow better and easier communication for all children especially those with communication differences.  A child with hearing impairment may not be able to communicate to a peer that they would like to play. They may not be able to pronounce the words or perhaps they prefer ASL and their hearing counterpart does not understand. The Communication Board can bridge that gap. This same scenario is true for children who speak different languages, children who are shy, children with autism spectrum disorder, intellectual disorders, language delays, traumatic brain injuries, and more.  The Communication Board design promotes inclusivity by ensuring that all children, regardless of their communication abilities, can participate in outdoor play activities.

Fundraising Efforts

    We are actively working on fundraising. The Communication Board will cost $1,550. If you would like to contribute to this piece of equipment or help in any fashion, please feel free to contact the Ellicottville Playground Committee at ellicottvilleplayground@gmail.com. Follow us on Instagram @ellicottvilleplayground. Find more information at https://unlimitedplay.org/playground/the-ellicottville-playground

    Inclusivity: Playground communication boards promote inclusivity by ensuring that all children, regardless of their communication abilities, can participate in outdoor play activities. This fosters a sense of belonging and reduces social isolation.

    Social Interaction: Communication boards encourage social interaction among children. They provide a common platform for kids with and without communication differences to engage in games, share experiences, and build friendships.

    Language Development: For children with speech and language disorders, playground communication boards serve as valuable tools for language development. By using these boards, they can practice vocabulary, sentence structure, and social communication in a fun and engaging environment.

   Promoting Empathy: When children without communication differences see their peers using play-ground communication boards, it can foster empathy and understanding. It teaches them that everyone has unique needs and abilities and that inclusivity is essential.

   Encouraging Play and Physical Activity: Playground communication boards enable children to request equipment or games, express preferences, and participate in group activities, promoting physical activity and a healthy lifestyle.



Communication boards can benefit every child, helping them develop language and vocabulary skills. By using visual symbols, these boards offer a tangible way for children to communicate, learn and understand new words. They provide a bridge between thoughts and expression, promoting communication and engagement in various social and educational settings.


  • Inclusion: Ensuring that every child, regardless of communication ability, has a voice and can active-ly participate in play and community interactions.
  • Advocacy: Raising awareness about alternative communication methods and sparking conversations about invisible disabilities.
  • Learning: Providing visual representations of language for children to practice and develop emerg-ing language skills.


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