Ellicottville Village Life
HoliMont Ski Resort Unique Family Environment

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by Gary Malicki

Before I go any further, I must admit that I am not a skier. I did give my best effort some years ago to try cross country with some close friends. In the brief training we had before hitting the trail I was lucky that I closely followed the instruction given on how to properly make yourself fall safely. Lucky because I was able to use that technique 17 times to avoid colliding with trees, slipping into an icy creek or into a ravine before removing the skis and giving up. My buddies laughed heartily at my expense and I realized that I just wasn’t built for this. 

When my wife and I first moved here we noticed the signs on some of the lawns that read, “Drive Slow… Ski Fast”…now that’s enthusiasm for a pretty neat sport and pastime. I understand how EVL thrives on skiing and before writing this I knew virtually nothing about this place. I wanted to learn and took my first trip to HoliMont Ski Resort on what turned out to be a “Blue Bird Sky Day” (thank you to the folks who told me that skiers would understand that term).

Michelle Winters works at HoliMont’s Gear Up Ski
Shop. Her husband Craig has been a racing coach
at HoliMont for 23 seasons.

A friend introduced me to Michelle Winters who proved to be an enthusiastic ambassador for the resort. She taught me a lot. I met with her at the Gear Up Ski Shop where she works. Michelle explained how HoliMont is a members-only resort with an emphasis on creating a family environment. However, it is open to the public on non-holiday Monday through Fridays. She mentioned that cross country and snowshoeing is also featured and is home to world-class trainers and coaches, some of whom have worked there for over 20 years. The coaching team, she said, helped to propel a group of five skiers to qualify for the U.S. Olympic team a few years ago. She was also proud to mention their excellent racing program and ski school. Incidentally, Michelle’s husband, Craig, is in his 23rd season as a racing coach. In addition, HoliMont is also refining a program for skiers challenged by disabilities. 

I was also fortunate to get a rare look into what they call “the shop”. It’s a room in the back where I met Ryan whose responsibilities include re-waxing skis and snowboards when the wax is worn out. 

A short while later we were joined by Kara from member services who shared more insights on the benefits of membership. She told me that the over 1200 memberships equate to over 3300 skiers when you count family members. Their priority is a “safe family-oriented place with somewhat of a country club atmosphere”. I was informed that Saturday evenings at the lodge feature live music for all ages so that “generations of family can enjoy a sharing of the experience”. 

Michelle talked about how inclusive their staff meetings are and that every employee’s opinion counts which gives them a real sense of value. I found that to be really special. The most important thing, she said, was that HoliMont wants their patrons to feel like this is their “home away from home when they’re here”. I don’t think it gets any better than that. Thank you to the staff who made me feel right at home. It really is a family affair here. 


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