Ellicottville Chamber Partners with Griffis Sculpture Park
to Display Statue at Village Gazebo

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ELLICOTTVILLE – One of the most prominent women in the United States space agency, NASA, will grace Ellicottville with her presence this summer. Tracy Caldwell Dyson is an American chemist and astronaut recognized for her groundbreaking research into molecular level surface reactivity. Thanks to a partnership between the Ellicottville Chamber of Commerce and Griffis Sculpture Park, a 10-foot-tall bronze statue of Dyson will be installed on the lawn of the Ellicottville Gazebo in June. It will remain on display for all to enjoy until the fall.Sculpture

   “We’ve worked with Griffis Sculpture Park the past few years to bring an inspirational statue to the four corners of Ellicottville,” said Brian McFadden, Executive Director of the Ellicottville Chamber of Commerce. “With the majority of Ellicottville’s business owners or co-owners being women, we wanted to keep with the theme of showcasing a female role model. The Tracy Dyson sculpture is a fitting tribute to the accomplishments that women have made.”

   In 2021, Griffis Sculpture Park received four bronze statues of inspirational women created by Australian collaborative artists Gillie and Marc Schattner. The 10-foot-tall bronze sculptures of Gabby Douglas (Olympic gymnast), Tracy Dyson (astronaut), Janet Mock (actress/producer) and Cheryl Strayed (author) were donated to the Ashford Hollow Foundation/Griffis Sculpture Park by the artists. Ellicottville has thus far featured two of the four – the Cheryl Strayed and Gabby Douglas sculptures, and will soon feature a third, Tracy Dyson.

   Gillie and Marc have been called “the most successful and prolific creators of public art in New York’s History” by the New York Times. Creating some of the world’s most innovative public sculptures, Gillie and Marc have redefined what public art should be, spreading messages of love, equality, and conservation around the world. Their highly coveted sculptures and paintings can be seen in art galleries and public sites in over 250 cities.

   A special reception celebrating the installation of the Tracy Dyson statue in Ellicottville will be held at the Village Gazebo at 6pm on June 27 to coincide with the first Gazebo series performance of the season. Everyone is welcome.


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