Ellicottville Business: Patra Lowes
The Girl on the Bike, Always Ready to Ski

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By Kate Bartlett


   Patra Lowes is an avid skier and every day woman. She introduces herself as “the girl on the blue bike, the girl walking to work, the girl ready to ski as soon as the lifts are running.”

    Patra grew up in Tonawanda and Hamburg with her two brothers, Kevin and Sean and her sister Tara. She began learning to ski by her free-spirited parents at the young age of 3. “Our family would drive down to Ellicottville every weekend, and set up our van in Parking Lot B at Holiday Valley. It was a ski bum camping life and we loved it. It was awesome learning that my ski buddies and I would become friends forever. Thus, I became a fulltime resident to Ellicottville 42 years ago.”

In addition to her art, Patra has been working at the City Garage on Monroe Street in Ellicottville since its inception in 1999. “My brother Sean Lowes and his wife, Elizabeth, created the shop. We have both been in the Ski industry for over 40 years and it made per- fect sense. Now I am at the shop most days, doing product buying, sales, shipping and receiving. I do whatever needs to be done, even shovel the snow, sweep the sidewalk and take out the trash! The “pit crew” as we call ourselves, are tight knit group of like-minded enthusiasts. Everyone pitches in where needed and it makes for an awesome team.”

     Inspired by her parents, Patra has always had a love for art and expression. “My father Tom, was a highly successful illustrator and photographer who studied at Albright and his studio was in Buffalo’s Allentown district. I had a lot of exposure to what was happening in the art world from an early age. My mother, Pat, could always figure out how to create something from nearly nothing. She worked full time as an X-Ray tech, raising four kids and a Saint Bernard. She taught us how to have a good time. She could always throw one heck of a party in the thick of it all.”

     Patra studied design and Graphics in Rochester at Ketchum Studio’s Graphic Careers in 1986. “Back then, most artwork was still done by hand and raw talent as computer graphics were still in their infant stage.” She has learned immensely from other artists and the sheer diligence of figuring it out for herself. “It can be frustrating, but always fun and rewarding when I can get to the end result on my own. We can learn a lot from our failures if we embrace the process.”

     Patra has worked with the Village and Town of Ellicottville doing commercial work. “At one point, the majority of business signs were my design. It was interesting driving or walking around the village, seeing my artwork everywhere.” She has created business logos and signage using old and new lettering techniques, pinstriped and airbrushed, dabbled in some metal work with the Griffis clan…whatever peaks her interest. She is “a sister of the brush” so to speak. Patra is always willing to learn and loves taking on new projects and experiences, “I love when someone trusts me to come up with something cool. ‘You name it, I’m not afraid’ is my motto.

     Nowadays, Patra finds her inspiration from nature, looking at the beauty of it all and seeing how things work. She is also continuously inspired by other artists. “I love to see what other artists are creating.

     In addition to her art, Patra has been working at the City Garage on Monroe Street in Ellicottville since its inception in 1999. “My brother Sean Lowes and his wife, Elizabeth, created the shop. We have both been in the Ski industry for over 40 years and it made perfect sense. Now I am at the shop most days, doing product buying, sales, shipping and receiving. I do whatever needs to be done, even shovel the snow, sweep the sidewalk and take out the trash!  The “pit crew” as we call ourselves, are tight knit group of like-minded enthusiasts. Everyone pitches in where needed and it makes for an awesome team.”

    Patra remains close with her family, as they have common interests. “My family is great, we all love the outdoors and adventures. We are blessed to say that we can get together for weeks on end in the middle of the woods and get along.” Most of her hobbies involve being in the great outdoors, doing anything from skiing to camping, hiking, paddling, or just putzing in her own backyard. She also enjoys motorcycling with her husband Don. “I love an impromptu adventure, gathering, or road trip. I’m a person who lives in the moment and embraces whatever comes.”

   Patra feels fortunate to be a part of the Ellicottville community. “Everyone here is so willing to help each other, myself included. One of my biggest contributions was being continually elected to the Village board of trustees. For over 30 years, my mantra was to enhance village life without losing its identity of being unique and to keep these roots that make Ellicottville so appealing. I am not afraid to voice my opinion and I always speak from the heart.” Now, Patra  enjoys being a bit more behind the scenes doing unexpected acts of kindness, or just lending a hand to those in need. “I never expect anything in return. It’s just what being a good neighbor is all about.”

   Throughout her career at City Garage, Patra has been passionate about getting people enthusiastic about what inspires them. “I just love getting to know people, finding out their interests and background. We all have common threads that connect us. Since we research and road test everything we sell, I am glad to help customers make an educated decision on the right gear for the best possible experience. We also consider ourselves as somewhat of the unofficial information center. We help guide guests on where to ski, hike, bike, eat, make fondue, whatever they’re interested in. I also love my coworkers. We hang out together even when we are off the clock, I consider them family.”

   “Ellicottville has so much to offer, there is absolutely no reason to ask “what’s there to do?” Ellicottville has what we need, sometimes more, sometimes less. Keep it simple, keep an open mind, trust in yourself and your imagination. appreciate what is offered.”

      In closing, Patra reminds us to “work hard, finish the journey, then get out there and play!” Visit Patra and the crew at City Garage at 5 Monroe Street in the village of Ellicottville or online at http://citygarageskishop.com/. “If you see us on the porch playing our ukuleles, stop and say hello, we are always up for some good conversation!”


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