Behind the Music: Grace Lougen
Local Guitarist and Songwriter

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By Kate Bartlett

    Grace Lougen is an accomplished guitarist and songwriter from Buffalo, NY, playing frequently in the Ellicottville area. Known for her tasteful solos and versatility, she performs regularly with a variety of touring artists, but focuses mainly on her current project, Grosh. Grace describes her music as rock with soul, and a bit of blues.

     Grace grew up in Kenmore, just north of Buffalo. Music was always a part of her life and she learned to play guitar at a young age. Her dad was a guitarist, and she had friends who also played music. “It was a big part of my childhood,” recalls Grace. “We’d play soccer outside, then come in and play music. It was just part of our everyday life.”

       At age 14, she began formally taking guitar lessons, and at age 15 she joined her guitar teacher’s band The Black and Blues Band. Playing with the band provided Grace the opportunity to play with various experienced musicians, learning as much as possible along the way. “It was a great way to learn, gaining as much experience as possible. Playing with these musicians really pushed me out of my comfort zone and inspired me to push harder to be better.” Grace is still in contact with band leader Don Petrino, who still plays out several times a week.

      Grace participated in as many blues jam sessions as possible throughout the Buffalo music scene. “These jam sessions were a great way to get to know other musicians, and build relationships with others in the music industry. Being in the presence of so much talent was inspirational; it was a great way to play music, learn and have fun with likeminded artists.”

Band Image of Gross
Currently, her main focus is the band Grosh, which formed 6 years ago when Grace joined with drummer Josh English to form a duo. The name is a combination of their names: Grace + Josh = Grosh. The duo played mainly rock and roll with soul/funk undertones. Soon, Megan Brown joined on vocals and Dylan Hund joined on drums to form the four-person band that currently plays the Buffalo/Ellicottville area. Photo/

     Throughout the years, Grace has worked with many noteworthy artists, including Joan Baez. “Joan was one of the most influential musicians I’ve had the honor of working with,” says Grace. Joan is not only an incredible singer, but an international activist in the peace movements known for marching with Martin Luther King Jr and collaborating with Bob Dylan.  Grace toured internationally with Joan as her guitar/stage tech, which also granted her the opportunity to meet and work with other influential artists, including the Indigo Girls. “Buffalo has an incredible music scene; but, I’m thankful to have had these experiences to broaden my perspective of the world and the music industry.”

     Grace has won multiple awards for her songwriting and guitar playing from many organizations including Buffalo Night-Life Magazine, Best of WNY Music, and Sportsmen’s Americana Music Foundation.

     Grace frequently plays with other local musicians in the area, including her good friend Grace Stumburg.  Known as The Amazing Graces, their music has a folk vibe and they enjoy playing together. Grace (Lougen) also plays Tuesday evenings at the Jackrabbit in Buffalo, each week with a different guest. “It’s fun playing with a variety of people, and the music is always different. We learn from each other and have a great time.”

      Currently, her main focus is the band Grosh, which formed 6 years ago when Grace joined with drummer Josh English to form a duo. The name is a combination of their names: Grace + Josh = Grosh. The duo played mainly rock and roll with soul/funk undertones. Soon, Megan Brown joined on vocals and Dylan Hund joined on drums to form the four-person band that currently plays the Buffalo/Ellicottville area.

     Grosh has produced 2 albums, with a third soon to be released. “We all work really well together, we have similar personalities and vibe together, especially with songwriting.” Grosh plays frequently in Ellicottville, Buffalo, and have traveled as far as Cleveland and Syracuse. The band traveled to Sonic Ranch Studios in El Paso, Texas last November to record their third album with producer Tim Lefebvre, and hope to release it this year.

      Grace enjoys the live element of performing; it’s never the same show twice. “There something special, almost magical, about a live performance. The connection between the musicians and the crowd is unique; the way the music hits the crowd, the energy in a specific moment is a connection on a different level.”

      Grace encourages aspiring artists to take advantage of the incredible Buffalo music scene, and explore the various ways to make a living as a musician. “We’re so fortunate to have a vibrant music scene here in the Buffalo area. It’s accessible for artists to attend shows, jams, connect with other musicians and experience music in a variety of ways. Nowadays artists can focus on various platforms to advance their career, whether it be in studio, live shows, YouTube or social media, the possibilities are (almost) endless.”

      For more information visit and visit her at shows throughout the summer in Ellicottville and Buffalo. For Ellicottville schedule visit The Villager online events calendar

Currently, her main focus is the band Grosh, which formed 6 years ago when Grace joined with drummer Josh English to form a duo. The name is a combination of their names: Grace + Josh = Grosh. The duo played mainly rock and roll with soul/funk undertones. Soon, Megan Brown joined on vocals and Dylan Hund joined on drums to form the four-person band that currently plays the Buffalo/Ellicottville area.


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