Sensory Santa 2022
Event at Fenton History Center Dec. 4

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By Jessica Schultz-

   Christmas is coming up fast, and you know what that means…It’s time to visit Santa. Parents everywhere are getting their kids ready to stand in line and to visit the big man in the red suit with their list of Christmas wants. It’s loud, it’s bright and it’s festive. But what about those kids who have a hard time with that type of environment. It can be really hard to take children with autism, anxiety or traumatic experiences out to loud public spaces full of people, but they want a chance to share their lists with Santa also. Well, The Fenton History Center has the perfect event for you. Come out to Jamestown on December 4th from 2-4pm for Sensory Safe Santa Claus.

    The Villager had the opportunity to speak with Executive Director of the Fenton History Center, Jane Babinsky about what exactly the event is and what it includes.

   The Villager (V): How did you come up with the Sensory Sensitive Santa event?

   Jane (J): “Our previous Director, Noah Goodling, was responsible for starting the program. This event is geared towards children and families who might be uncomfortable, nervous, or anxious in the traditional Santa Claus encounter environments, which often feature bright lights, loud music, and large crowds.”

   V: This event is FREE, what does it include?

   J: “The families waiting will have refreshments in the Dining Room and all of the children who visit Santa will receive a goodie bag. The goodie bags will contain some sensory toys, candy, a coloring book and some crayons.”

   V: How important do you think making a sensory safe environment is for children?

   J: “The sensory safe environment is for children (mainly Autistic Children) who can’t otherwise visit Santa in a noisy, crowded environment. There will not be bright lights and Santa will not be saying “Ho, Ho, Ho” or ringing bells. The Santa at our event has experience working with people with disabilities, and the room around him will be set up to be calming and straightforward, while maintaining festive elements where appropriate.”

   V: Do you have any other upcoming Holiday events this year?

   J: “Yes, we’ve got a lot going on. We will have a regular visit from Santa on Saturday, December 17th, 2-4 pm at our Holiday Open House, which is from 10am-4pm. Admission for the 17th is $10 for adults, members and Children under 18 are free. Coming up in 2023: In February we will have our annual Trivia Contest every Wednesday at Shawbucks (for more info on that contact our President, Janet Wahlberg at: Our biggest event will be our Gala July 29, 2023, celebrating our 60th Anniversary of the Historical Society. The theme is the Roaring Twenties and will be held at the Fenton Mansion. We will have our monthly Lecture Series beginning in April 2023. And Themed Walking Tours, and our Saints and Sinners Cemetery Tours will be back for summer and fall 2023.”

   V: Anything else you would like to add?

   J: “Children who attend our events must be accompanied by a parent or caregiver. This event is free, and open to any community members who wish to attend. The Fenton is committed to making sure that all our visitors can have a safe, educational, and enjoyable experience. For more information about the event, or to request any special accommodations, please contact myself, Jane Babinsky at the Fenton History Center by calling (716)-664-6256.”

   Thank you, Jane, for taking the time to share all this great information about this event and what the Fenton History Center has in the works heading into 2023. Remember, Sensory Safe Santa is on Dec. 4th from 2-4pm, it is a FREE event open to everyone in the community and a great way to take your tiny family members to see Santa in a more comfortable for them environment.


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