Frank Pitillo Memorial Lights
New Lights Benefi tting ECS Sports Field in Honor of Frank Pitillo

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By Chad Neal

   Ellicottville Central School sports has always been a large community endeavor. For decades the passion of the district has been competitively equal to most school districts around. In the late 70s night time football was finally played at ECS under the new lights placed by the Frank Pitillo Memorial Lighting Fund and now after 40 plus years they are ready to be refurbished for future sports at the school. The Frank Pitillo Memorial Lighting Fund Kick-Off Event will be being held at Villaggio.

   A short account was shared on the Facebook ‘Frank Pitillo Memorial Lighting Fund Kick-Off Event’ page, “In 1978 the football field at Ellicottville Central School was brightly lit for the first time. One family’s tragedy became the community’s mission. The whole town came together with all they had, and what they had was astonishing. The generosity and volunteerism were second to none. From working the fundraisers to raising the poles, installing the bulbs, all the way to flipping the switch, Ellicottville did not disappoint. Fast forward forty-four years; think about how many people have enjoyed that generosity. You, your children, even your grandchildren may have played, coached, cheered or attended an event under the lights at ECS.”

   The fund started this year again and has garnered a small percentage of what they need to replace the decades old lighting at ECS. The positivity is growing along with the Kick-Off event that took place this  Wednesday November 23. The goal is to reach $250,000. This is one of many ways the fund is drawing donations. There are several ways to donate as well, even using the scan code on the Facebook page and signs being placed around.

   Nick Pitillo, owner of Villaggio in Ellicottville is the younger brother of the late Frank Pitillo. Nick is rebooting the lighting fund with help of the community as the original lights were placed 44 years ago. Frank was in a tragic accident which took his life. He was a football player at ECS, and started a clam stand at the Rusty Nail in Ellicottville in those days. And he was taken from his loving friends and family way too soon. Upon his passing the family wanted to use money Frank had in his bank account to start the Frank Pitillo Memorial Lighting Fund and it grew from there.

   In another interview Nick said his brother Frank was a great football player and was also a great skier, and doubled up his last two years of high school to graduate early so he could train with the US Ski Team. He was ranked the #1 junior skier in the country. After the tragedy and deciding to get lights on the field, the Pitillo family along with the community started raising funds including a benefit with a huge spaghetti dinner that drew some “heavy hitters” including Buffalo Sabres’ players and Buffalo Bills players. And now after noticing the lights needed replaced Nick set the idea in motion again. The lights are quoted at $200,000 and another $50,000 is needed for maintenance and plaques to honor the generosity of the community and large donors.

   The benefit was started this past Fall Festival with a large 50-50 drawing, and a music event at Villaggio, but that’s just the start. Pitillo is adamant about getting the lights updated and has said that they have received a few “substantial contributions” so far. Be on the lookout for more benefits for the Frank Pitillo Memorial Lighting Fund in the near future was well, and make your contributions on the scan code or at Villaggio.

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