Ice Breaker Celebration
Northwest Arena Celebrates 20 Year Anniversary, Nov 16

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By Jessica Schultz

   Who doesn’t love a fun evening out? Sometimes adults just need to grab a babysitter and spend some time without the kids. Typically, the Northwest Arena is a family friendly hub but on November 16th from 5-7pm, they are hosting their Ice Breaker 20 Year Celebration. This event is the perfect adult outing. The Villager had a chance to speak with the Director of Marketing and Events, Tonja Rinaldo about the celebration and what can be expected.

   The Villager (V): What is an Ice Breaker event and how did the idea come to be?

   Tonja (T): “The Ice Breaker Event is our 20-year celebration of the Arena and the tour of the amazing new event rental spaces we have to offer and to give everyone a closer look of the Zone. This idea also came to fruition mainly because with the expansion of the Arena and that we are in the 20th year we have been breaking the ice!”

   V: What is the cost of admission and where/how can reservations be made? 

   T: “This event is open to business owners and community members that are looking for options for event rental spaces. RSVP to”

   V: Is this an 18+ event?

   T: “Yes 21 and up.”

   V: Looking back over the last 20 years, what do you think some of the arena’s finest moments?

   T: “Twenty years ago, the Northwest Arena opened its doors – and a new chapter in the life of the Chautauqua County region. Hosting hockey games, figure skating competitions, and major concerts, the Northwest Arena has become an asset to the community, a destination for those beyond, and a catalyst for revitalization.”

   V: What does the arena intend moving forward?

   T: “Now, the Northwest Arena is building on this success with TheZone, an indoor sports-themed play space for toddlers through pre-teens occupying the second floor of the Northwest Arena’s expansion. This new project will be a memorable childhood experience that promotes healthier futures, enhances Chautauqua County’s appeal to visitors, fuels Jamestown’s economic momentum, and be a point of community pride. TheZone will bring something wonderful and new to the experience of children who grow up in and visit the region.”

   V: Anything else you would like to add?

   T: “With the continued development of the Riverwalk & Downtown, The Northwest Arena is excited to help continue to build a thriving community with events and partnerships. We look forward to hosting local business owners and community members at the Ice Breaker 20 Year Celebration on November 16th from 5-7pm.”

   Thank you, Tonja, for taking the time to speak with us and for sharing all the great info on the Ice Breaker event. More information on the event and for all the things happening at the area just visit,


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