Ellicottville Greens Growing Their Business Outwards
Big Plans: Ellicottville Greens Growing the Business Outwards

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By Jessica Schultz

    Everyone has come to realize just how important their health is after the past two years. One of the greatest aspects about our health is making sure we ingest plenty of fresh greens and veggies. But some communities don’t have great access to that type of produce. In comes Ellicottville Greens. Their mission: To provide affordable, high-quality produce to economically distressed zones and places with food insecurity concerns. That’s a noble endeavor and they’ve strived to live up to expectations. The Villager had a chance to speak with owner Gabe Bialkowski about their opening of their new headquarters and their plans moving forward.

   The Villager (V): It’s been a big year for EVL Greens, what are plans for the rest of 2022?

   Gabe (G): “Yes, it has! We grew by over 300% this year so far. We started building out our first partnership site on the East side of Buffalo downtown. We have started our first out of state farm to service Louisville and Indianapolis. We now are working on launching our company headquarters in Ellicottville after 3 years of trying to identify the right property in the region (location will be on Simmons Rd). This year feels like the start of our real growth.”

  V: Looking into 2023, where do you see the business?

  G: “We’re going to operate indoor farms in at least 10 markets by the end of next year. Each farm location will be able to grow over 70,000 lbs. of produce a year. Each farm will service not more than a 120-mile radius and in some cases, much less. Our goal is to provide affordable yet high quality greens to each region we service.”

   V: Currently, where are you operating and offering?

   G: “Our current showcase farm is in Buffalo, NY and grows a variety of lettuces, herbs, and micro greens.”

   V: What are your hours for each location?

   G: “We only provide visits via scheduled tours as the Buffalo location grows wholesale.”

   V: What do you think makes EVL Greens stand out from other farms?

   G: “We operate inside containers vs a warehouse. This allows for increased traceability, product flavor customization, and quick modular development. Our goal is to have a network of indoor farms across the country that we own or operate all from our headquarters.”

   V: Anything else you’d like to add?

   G: “We’re excited to finally find a long-term home in Ellicottville that we can build out and turn into a showcased attraction in the community.”

   Thank you, Gabe, for taking the time to speak with us and for sharing all the great news about your new upcoming base in Ellicottville. And a huge thank you to the whole EVL Greens team for bringing fresh produce to multiple communities in need. If you would like to learn more about EVL Greens and what they have to offer, please visit their website,


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