Vintage Book & Paper Show
New Mayville Location for August 6 Event

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By Judy Shuler

   A shred of paper that could have easily been discarded a century and one-half ago led history buff Bob Johnston on an unexpected journey. He was visiting an antique shop when he found a torn ticket in a tattered scrapbook. It was for passage from Falconer to Jamestown on a transport so muddy that Andy Smith’s omnibus service was referred to as “mud boats on wheels.” It was a precursor to electric trolley cars, with tracks that separated travelers from those same muddy streets.

   Johnston’s research led him to what would become his latest passion, restoration of the historic Jamestown Street Railway Trolley Car #93. Back in the day, history was recorded on paper. Books, letters, even ephemeral pieces meant to be used and thrown away.

   Like discoveries may await visitors to The Chautauqua Region Vintage Book and Paper Show and Sale and More, which Johnston chairs. It runs 10-4pm this Saturday, August 6 at Chautauqua Suites, 215 W. Lake Road, Mayville. The $5 admission fee will go to the trolley restoration project.

   While books are a key component, with various dealers selling rare books, hard-to-find classic first editions along with modern first editions, children’s books and various types of history books including local and regional history, there will also be local photographs, postcards and other items.

   He anticipates about 30 dealers will participate, including Western New York vintage book dealers Kevin Ransom and Ron Cozzi; postcard dealers George Sinclair and Carol Abendschein; antique photograph expert/dealer Scott Brasseur; local ephemera from Vince Martonis/Tom Karapantso; interesting and unusual items from Bill Pope, Erie, PA, and Bob Hopper from Falls Church, VA. Other dealers will bring an eclectic assortment of items and willingness to answer questions and provide advice.

   Also participating are Wayne Leamer with regional genealogy; Kenneth Springirth prolific rail related author; and Al Steffens with Chautauqua Comics.

   Over a decade ago Johnston, along with Westfield residents Jack Ericson and John Wolfe, came up with the idea of the show to support hobbyists, under aegis of the Chautauqua County Historical Society where they were all trustees. After a few years the Westfield show struggled. Dealers who make up the show were notoriously shifting in and out of business, yet were loath to see it end. Johnston made an effort to keep it going.

   “The show continued to be well-received for several years, then COVID hit. After speaking with a few of the dealers, and a little research, it was determined that the Chautauqua Suites in Mayville, NY offered significant benefits,” Johnston says.

   Thus, the show has moved to Mayville after several years in Westfield. The three founders are no longer with the historical society, so proceeds were redirected to the Trolley reconstruction in conjunction with Fenton History Center.

   “It made sense that the new show should have a new name which has been a bit of a challenge.” He acknowledges that The Chautauqua Region Vintage Book and Paper Show and Sale and More is very descriptive, but too long to fit on a poster.

   “Our signs just say Vintage Book and Paper Show and our other advertising blends in a few longer variations. Hopefully as things progress, it won’t be too hard to promote the new show.”

The word sale was added to the name because using only show may imply items were not for sale, he says.

   To reach collectors from a wider area, he has advertised on Craig’s List for Buffalo, Erie, Meadville, Pittsburg, Elmira, Cleveland, Ashtabula, Tuscarawas County. “There is something here for everyone” says Johnston. “All are invited to come and take advantage of what can turn into quite the treasure hunt for historical, artistic, and cultural items of interest.”

   Further information is available at


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