APRIL is National Gardening Month

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   Ready, Set, Grow! We are welcoming April because we feel that winter is behind us, although as Henry Van Dyke said, “The first day of spring is one thing and the first spring day is another.” April is definitely fickle and we did have a snow day just this past Sunday! With all that aside, it is only the first week of April and we have so much to look forward to. National Gardening Month means celebrating what we love. The days are getting progressively brighter and longer, the nurseries are packed full of plants, and we have the urge to get out into the yard and gardens. This is the month of sun and new growth in the Northern Hemisphere. It is most certainly the time of hope. Activities can include visiting Garden shows, Arboretums, Botanical gardens, and educational events. A checklist, chore list for outdoors can include pruning trees and shrubs, dethatching grasses, raking up fallen leaves, stems and last years spent annuals and removing seed heads. It’s time to clean up our outdoor spaces, add compost and amendments to gardens, and perhaps till the soil for new plants. Some perennials can be transplanted now and it’s a good time to share some plants with friends or neighbors. We can also just sit outside, listen to the birds, smell the fresh earth or go ahead and get some dirt under the nails. Spring is in the air so sharpen your tools, collect your seeds, and prepare your beds. It’s time to get planting! If you are interested in learning more about plants in your area, contact your local county extension office. They have volunteer Master Gardeners trained to assist you. Hashtag #NationalGardenMonth to share your gardening experiences on social media or for more information go to www.NationalGardenMonth.org.  Happy National Gardening Month! Welcome to the Club!

   “It was a bright cold day in April, and the clocks were striking thirteen.” ~ George Orwell

   “April comes in like an idiot, babbling and strewing flowers.”

   “If you’ve never been thrilled to the very edges of your soul by a flower in spring bloom, maybe your soul has never been in bloom. “  ~ Audra Foveo


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