Smoke & Savor Cigar Pairing

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The Silver Fox & She Shed, He Shed Collaborate on Event
By Rachel Fraley

   If there is something Ellicottville is great at other than hosting various festivals and of course it’s mountainside activities, it’s the ability to seamlessly blend the old with the new. Mike Nickolson and Susan Baryza are aiming to do just that with their upcoming bourbon and cigar paring next Friday, March 11that the Silver Fox.

Susan is the owner of She Shed, He Shed, located at 22 Washington Ellicottville. Her shop, is one of the newest in town, opening its doors in October of 2020. The boutique caters to both men and women and boasts unique items, you guessed it, cigars.  It was Susan who thought up the idea for the pairing and she approached Mike about it. “The cigars have been a big hit in town, I thought it would be a great idea to pair it with some bourbons and bring everyone together” Susan said.

   Mike is the owner of The Silver Fox Steakhouse, located at 23 Hughey Alley in Ellicottville. While Susan’s shop is one of the newest places in town, The Silver Fox is one of the oldest, with its doors opening in 1974.  The Fox is an Ellicottville staple known for its warm and cozy atmosphere, fine wines, bourbons, and delicious food. The restaurant features an additional upstairs area used for private parties, banquets and is where the pairing will be held.

   The bourbon and cigar pairing begins at 6pm on Friday March, 11th at The Silver Fox. The price is $105/per person and reservations are required and you must be 21 or older to attend.  Three bourbons will be featured; Jefferson’s way very small batch (82.3 proof), Four Roses Single Barrel (100 proof), and Bib and Tucker a 6-year-old bourbon (90 proof).

   Mike also stated that “They wanted to do something a bit different” and are also featuring Bermheim a small batch 7-year-old wheat whiskey (90 proof)”. The cigar choices are to be determined but could include Arturo Fuente or Oliva. One cigar that will be featured during the pairing is M by Macanudo Bourbon.  The pairing also offers appetizers, non-alcoholic beverages and a complimentary cigar cutter and t-shirt.

   To register for the pairing go to, click the tab that says, “smoke and savor” and register. There is limited space so be sure not to miss this event!! For any other questions or information, you can call Susan at her shop phone 716-699-9121 or stop into the boutique.



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