Griffis Sculpture Park Open for Season
Outdoor Museum Built in 1966 has 250+ Sculptures to Explore

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The golden hour at Griffi s Sculpture Park just outside of Ellicottville in East

Otto. The park’s founder Larry Griffi s, Jr. created sculptures of his family

members’ heads that reside in the extraordinary sculpture park. It’s estimated

that 40,000 people experience the park every year. Submission/Doug Sitler

Griffi s Sculpture Park is located at 6902 Mill Valley Rd, East Otto, NY 14729.

It is open from 7am-7pm everyday in the summer. For more information call:

(716) 667-2808, or chack out their website: griffi


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The Villager Volume 19 – Issue 38

The Villager Volume 19 – Issue 38
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