Fire and Ice Festival 2024
Icy Winter Wonderland at CHQ. Harbor Hotel

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By Darlene Brace

    This year, the Chautauqua Harbor Hotel in Celeron, NY will be hosting their 6th annual Fire and Ice Festival. It will take place on Thursday, February 8- Saturday, February 10 from 5-9pm nightly. This is a 21 and older event. In the five-year in person events, (there was one virtual event during the pandemic), it is estimated that over 15,000 people have participated in this festival.

   Along the backside of the hotel, outside and overlooking Chautauqua Lake, is where the magic of the Fire and Ice Festival takes place. Imagine taking a walk among ice sculptures as they glisten in the night. There are bars made of ice and many other ice sculptures. There will be games such as cornhole, hockey, and others made from ice. Ice sculpted martini luges will have cocktails poured through them and into the guest’s martini glass. It is quite an amazing sight to see the variety of ways the ice sculptures are used, that turn this into a magnificent icy winter wonderland.

Ice Food-Ball Table
Imagine taking a walk among ice sculptures as they glisten in the night. There are bars made of ice and many other ice sculptures. There will be games such as cornhole, hockey, and others made from ice.

   A lot of the festival’s activities are outdoors, so it’s important to stay warm. There is no dress code but be sure to bundle up to be warm and comfortable. While outside, enjoy the breathtaking view of Chautauqua Lake, while cozying up around one of the outdoor firepits or heaters, while sipping on your favorite beverage. There will be a DJ playing music each night, that can be heard inside or out. The DJ will play a variety of music, so make sure you have your dancing shoes on, in case you want to dance the night away.

   After enjoying the outside scenery and activities, you may want to wander inside this glamorous venue. Inside the ballroom, there will be delicious food and drinks. Maybe you will partake in some tasty hors d’ourves, chili, or chowder and of course there will be plenty of wine to be shared and a full bar is available. At 9pm each night, bundle up again and head outside, or watch from the window, the exciting fireworks display that illuminates the night sky, sparkling over the lake.

   To assist in making all this happen each year, the festival currently has over forty sponsors from the Jamestown area and throughout Western NY. These sponsors are honored and promoted in the ice sculpture bars, that are made with the sponsor’s name and/or logo carved into them.

   Lisa Desantis, the hotel’s Director of Sales said, “The Fire and Ice Festival Celebration is one of our biggest events of the year. It’s important to know that this fun festival is a worthwhile fundraising event. Proceeds from this event go to CAP – Child Advocacy Program of Chautauqua County. CAP’s mission is to prevent and stop child abuse, and it gives support to those that have been abused. To date the Fire and Ice Festival at the Chautauqua Harbor Hotel has raised $75,000, and it is hoping to reach over $100,000 after this year’s event. We are proud to partner with CAP and proud of what they do for the community. By attending this event, you are helping support a great cause, that helps children and families in our community, while having a fun night doing so.”

    Two local women shared their Fire and Ice experience. Mary Watson said, “I have attended it since they started having it at the Harbor Hotel, and I look forward to it every year. The food and drinks are delicious, and the ice sculptures are amazing. So many people attend it. It’s wonderful to enjoy a winter get together with your friends. The music and the fireworks top it all off. I love this event! It never disappoints.”

   Anne Sischo of Jamestown added, “I have really enjoyed the Fire and Ice event at the Chautauqua Harbor Hotel. It’s something to look forward to during the winter months. The displays are beautiful!  It’s great to see what local vendors have to offer. It’s a chance to see friends, enjoy a fun night out, and support a great cause.”

   To attend this event, nightly event tickets are $35 per person and can be purchased on There will be a cash bar and your admission ticket includes food and the activities. If you want more information or are interested in overnight accommodations, you can call the hotel at 716-489-2800. You can also find information on and their Facebook page. It’s a great night out to be part of the community and to raise funds for a very worthy cause. See you there.


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