Holiday Packages to Service Persons
Blue Star Mothers and Community Ship 997 Packages

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997…Does that sound like an “odd” number…just three shy of 1000? Actually, it’s the perfect number for the Blue Star Mothers NY4 because that is the number of Christmas Care Packages that were prepared this past Saturday, December 2, for US deployed troops all around the world. This feat was accomplished through the combined efforts of countless community organizations and businesses, schools, churches and individual donors, as the true spirit of Christmas was experienced in real-time. The Blue Star Mothers Christmas Care Packing takes place annually on the first Saturday in December at the Fluvanna Community Church, and for many this event is the official kickoff to the Christmas holiday season, representing the spirit of joy and giving that this season holds. 

Supporting Img
Volunteers Line up to fill items into Boxes. The line of happy helping folks stretched all the way around the building
Organizer Kathy Collver and her husband Stan
Senator Borrello and Ambassador Sanon Helped out with packing for the drive
Kids make and personalize cards to include
400 Hand Made hats and helmet liners were donated. Each with a note attached
These 3 youths made 400 hand made and personalized ornaments
Many Hands make the work go by while sorting the mountain of generous donations into logical lines


With increased military activity and deployments, the Blue Star Mothers are anticipating several additional care package events throughout this year.  For more information on helping out, or to submit a name for a care package, please contact Kathleen Collver at collverkathleen@gmail.comor text or call 716-450-5593


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