Steelite: Elevating Eats in Ellicottville
International Company Highlights Ellicottville

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By Abigale Kreinheder

     Truly exquisite dining experiences are often remembered for the food, but it all begins with everything but that. The atmosphere, service, and presentation enhance the entire experience and Steelite International America is a company that gets it.

   Back in 2012, I was at Mountain Standard, a new American restaurant in Vail, Colorado with my dad, Peter Kreinheder, owner of Ellicottville Brewing Co. While the food was fantastic the dishware was outrageously fun and made the whole dining experience something to remember a decade later.  Without a doubt, presentations influence perceptions, and the organic shaped, clay-colored plates were hard to forget.


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Ellicottville Brewing Company favorite bites on Steelite International America china. The Village of Ellicottville has become a living showroom for Steelite products.

Their smokey roasted olives and garlicky turkey club sandwich were plated on Steelite china. We both immediately noticed the presentations and of course the plates. I’ve always thought that eating food on a fun plate somehow simply makes everything taste better. The plates were fun, elegant, and custom fit the style of the restaurant.

   Ever since then we’ve had an eye for Steelite products and really admire the way they elevate a dish. Peter Kreinheder has outfitted all Ellicottville Brewing Company (EBC) pubs with Steelite products since 2013.

    Almost a decade later in 2022, the Village of Ellicottville has become a living showroom for Steelite products. With the collaboration of the company’s owner, John Miles, the restaurant operators, and Chamber of Commerce, the village’s go-to spots have introduced custom Steelite china to complement all the fan favorites on the menus.

    Steelite bowls, plates, and glassware coordinate with each restaurants brand. EBC’s modern family pub environment and new American style food is drawn out by the fun colored and organically shaped dishes.

    A local favorite and top tier culinary destination, The Silver Fox Steakhouse is outfitted with elegant dishes including a custom bread plate with the restaurant’s longtime logo of a fox head.

    Bright yellow dishes encapsulate Dina’s cozy, chic atmosphere and modern bistro upscale menu.

    West Rose’s brand as seasonally inspired restaurant with a regularly rotating menu is well coordinated with Steelite’s interchangeable dishware.

     These are just a few examples of Steelite’s influence in Ellicottville. Now the dining experiences can truly begin with an exquisite presentation.



    A local favorite and top tier culinary destination, The Silver Fox Steakhouse is outfitted with elegant dishes including a custom bread plate with the restaurant’s longtime logo of a fox head.


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