Up Close & Personal: Bryan Newpher

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Bryan Newpher has been a valued member of the Ellicottville community for over 17 years. As a ski instructor at HoliMont, B ryan has touched the lives of many while on the slopes. H e has built several homes in the area through his work as a project manager and is currently working on projects involving geothermal energy and other eco- friendly advancements. Born and raised in Cleveland, Bryan graduated from Denver U niversity with a degree in Microbiology & Marketing. H e lived in Oregon for 20 years working as a home builder and moved out to Ellicottville area in 2007. H e was implementing the second part of his retirement plan of building homes in ski resort areas. He found His first home project in Snowshoe Ski Resort in Slaty Fork, West Virginia. Bryan still owns a second property in that area. “The area out here is much different that E llicottville. It’s rugged and remote. There’s no town, and very little community. Snowshoe is one of the few resorts built on an upside-down resort in that the community, lodge and restaurants are all atop the mountain.” Bryan worked for JELD- WE N as an architectural representative covering the entire area east of the Mississippi R iver. Bryan took on many projects in O hio and Pennsylvania working with 84 Lumber, J ack Nicholas and the 􀀰uirfield 􀀪olf 􀀦ourse. B ryan enjoyed all aspects of the projects, from researching products, supplying and being on the job site. “I’m a project guy. 􀀬 lo􀁙e findin􀁊 the right product and watching it come to fruition; it’s extremely satisfying and rewarding.” Bryan is currently working on two projects in the area. O ne in the WestMont R idge development just west of H oliMont and the other is a home for himself and his wife, Susan. The WestMont project is a 3 ,200 square foot home is temperature controlled by a geothermal system. “ This project has been very forward thinking. The goal is to be eco-friendly, sustainable, modern and unique. The homeowner can operate virtually all aspects of the home from their smartphone 24/7.” Bryan has enjoyed watching how the home building industry has evolved. ‘When I first started building homes things were less technical. It’s been very interesting to learn about new products as they come on the market. 􀀬 lo􀁙e helping clients find the right product for their projects. The market and the homeowners have become much more tech savvy and eco-friendly. Customers have been able to capitalize on such advancements, especially those like geothermal that help save on energy costs. 

A s an avid skier, Bryan has enjoyed many years on the slopes of E llicottville, 15 of which he was a ski instructor at H oliMont. “ Not only was it great to enjoy the beauty of the great outdoors with my students, but I really enjoyed helping them learn. Most of my students were 9-12 years old, so I was able to help them solidify their skills,

fine tune their abilities and gain more confidence on the slopes.” Bryan retired from instructing last year, but he still enjoys the slopes as a member of HoliMont. “ Ellicottville is great in that it’s somewhat remote, yet with a welcoming, tight knit community. It’s an amazing four-season resort town. I’ve been fortunate to make great friendships here and continue to enjoy skiing and golfing during my retirement. Bryan is a testament that ‘retired life is the best life.’“ I’m so fortunate to be able to live the best of both worlds. I’m doing what I love, building homes and constructing projects that I enjoy, while taking time to enjoy the great outdoors here in Ellicottville.” For more information email him directly nwphr@ aol.com.


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