Six Nations Flag Raising Ceremony
Raising Awareness of Indigenous Cultures

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By Darlene Mae O’Connor


Nyaweh Sgeno ~Welcome ~ We are the Seneca


Entirely within Cattaraugus County, the Allegheny Territory stretches from the Pennsylvania boarder to Vandalia, New York and includes the city of Salamanca. Having established a truly democratic society and system of governance as outlined in and guided by an official written constitution instituted in 1848. The multitiered governing body consists of elected officials serving two – year terms in either the Executive, Legislative or Judicial Branches. Leadership is shared between the people of the Cattaraugus and Allegheny Territories alternating with every election cycle.

Known as the “Keeper of the Western Door”, the Seneca were the largest of the six Native Nations comprising the Iroquois Confederacy or Six Nations, whose constitution predates that of the United States. By gaining a greater understanding of the culture and spiritual nature of those who came before us, their influence on our philosophies, spiritual understanding and even the conception of the laws we create, determining our social structure and appropriate interactions, become undeniably evident.

Activist, author, artist and aspiring community leader, Kaycee Colburn the Seneca Nation Culture Bearer, and the Coach of Team Jamestown, Mayor Eddie Sundquist, invited Speakers, Dancers and Our Friends on Saturday July 1st starting at 2pm for an enlightening, entertaining and engaging cultural event at Tracy Plaza in Jamestown for a celebration of cultural diversity.

Join: activist, author, artist and aspiring community leader, Kaycee Colburn the Seneca Nation Culture Bearer, and the Coach of Team Jamestown, Mayor Eddie Sundquist along with Invited Speakers:

Seneca Counselor Tina Abrams, Senator Borello , Traditional Dancers and all of our friends on

 Saturday, July 1st and  starting at 2:00pm for an enlightening, entertaining and engaging cultural event.


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