EVGV Recreational Trail
Committee Hard at Work Since 2011

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Carol Fisher-Linn

  With so many developing things going on in the Ellicottville area, it is possible that you may not have heard about a dedicated group of people who have been working tirelessly since 2011 to bring a recreational trail to the Southern Tier. I introduce you to The Ellicottville Great Valley (EVGV) Recreational Trail, which is a registered 501 C (3) non-profit dedicated to bringing safe recreational trails to connect key points throughout Ellicottville and Great Valley to one another and to broader regional trail systems.


The plans detail the EVGV Trail will connect north to Springville and south to Great Valley/Salamanca. “EVGV Trail will also be looking at applying for construction funds for Elk Creek portion of the trail through the NYS Consolidated Funding Application process (CFA) that is currently open and are due July 28th. Here’s an idea of what’s in progress at this point in Ellicottville.” The presently roughed-out trail, when completed, will go from Elizabeth Street, north along the east side at Elk Creek, then turn towards the Arboretum. It then passes through the park and comes out in front of Town Center. There it turns east and goes along the base of the hills, over to Route 219 and emerges by Tim Horton’s.

Meet Scott Johnson, Ellicottville resident, owner of Lake Effect Dry Ice and Vapor

blasting, husband of pediatrician Dr. Kate, and President of the EVGV Trail Committee. He tells us this: “We are so excited to bring the Ellicottville Great Valley Trail to this area of Western New York. By focusing on the area in and around the Village Park, we will create a safe walking/biking/running area that is easily accessible to all. The trail will then connect and extend north toward the Southern Tier Trail, and south towards Salamanca and possibly beyond.”

     “The Southern Tier Trail will be an important asset to western NY, enhancing the quality of life of local residents and connecting communities in a way that brings people together and spurs economic development,” said Lindsay Zefting, Principal and Professional Engineer for Alta Planning and Design.”  https://www.buffalorising.com/2021/02/connecting-buffalo-and-the-southern-tier-via-bicycle-foot-and-horse/

   Kate O’Striker, Secretary for the EVGV Trail brings us up to date. “… we have been working with GOBike out of Buffalo on trail planning and applying for grants. GOBIke was able to provide 12 new bike racks that will be installed in and around the village, Ellicottville Town Center and the village park.”

     If you’ve never heard of GObike, here’s what they do and how they connect to the EVGV Trail: “At GObike, we believe active mobility makes people’s lives better.  We work to ensure public space belongs to all people and accommodates all types of mobility. …  We connect and empower communities through advocacy, education, planning, and engagement. … From our road safety education to infrastructure planning to our advocacy campaigns, we hope to create a transportation system that supports everyone, everywhere, every way. …” info@gobikebuffalo.org | 716-222-3220

    The plans detail the EVGV Trail will connect north to Springville and south to Great Valley/Salamanca. “EVGV Trail will also be looking at applying for construction funds for Elk Creek portion of the trail through the NYS Consolidated Funding Application process (CFA) that is currently open and are due July 28th. Here’s an idea of what’s in progress at this point in Ellicottville.” The presently roughed-out trail, when completed, will go from Elizabeth Street, north along the east side at Elk Creek, then turn towards the Arboretum. It then passes through the park and comes out in front of Town Center. There it turns east and goes along the base of the hills, over to Route 219 and emerges by Tim Horton’s.

     Local businesses can all get involved (since they will surely benefit from the influx of visitors using the trail) by participating in the “Trail Book 2023” which features local businesses and those in the surrounding area. From EVGV Trail Committee: “…as a local business, we are looking for you to provide one complimentary item to be included in the Trail Book which the purchaser can enjoy when they visit your establishment.  The idea is that your donation of an item (such as, but not limited to, one adult beverage) to the bearer of the Trail Book can lead to increased awareness, traffic and sales in your business.  The EVGV Trail benefits from the sale of the Trail Books, and those who support us by purchasing the books have a great time and enjoy visiting a new place!”  BTW the book will be printed mid-June, so hurry and get yourself involved. As an update, we have been informed by Ms. O’Striker that “We are currently prioritizing 2 trail segments which originate at the trailhead already built at the Ellicottville Town Center and Nannen Arboretum.  One section leads to the area of Route 219 and 242 that people see first as they head to our area from the North.  The other section connects the parks and library to the Village of Ellicottville.”

    As far as funding for the EVGV Trail, they are connected to the Cattaraugus Region Community Foundation where you can donate to develop this wonderful opportunity for the area. https://www.cattfoundation.org/

      Go to https://evgvtrail.org for more information on EVGV. Thanks go out to more people than those mentioned here but especially to Ken Hinman, Jenny Aklin, Mark Alianello, Ted LaCroix and Kate O’Striker who were on the ground floor of this adventure. Today’s Board consists of Scott Johnson- President, Mark Alianello- Vice President, Kate O’Stricker- Secretary, Amy DeTine- Treasurer, Pat Kerl- Member at Large, and Matt McAndrew- Member at Large. Surely any of these individuals would be more than happy to share their enthusiasm for the EVGV Trail with you.


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