Bemus-Stow Ferry 21 Gun Salute
Whole Family Serves as Honor Guard

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Bemus Point NY

The Bemus-Stow Ferry hosted a commemoration event on Memorial Day, featuring a 21-Gun Salute and Honor Guard.  Notably, most of the honor guard were comprised of members from the same family. Senior Master Sergeant Timothy Gustafson, his wife Master Sergeant Lori Gustafson, their two sons and daughters-in-law, their granddaughter and her fiancé all participated. All are current or retired service members. Timothy was born and raised in Bemus Point. Lori grew up in Fluvanna and Bemus Point.

Senior Master Sergeant Timothy Gustafson holds the American flag and his wife Master Sergeant Lori Gustafson holds the Veterans of Foreign Wars flag during the 21-Gun Salute.

   Being in the honor guard on Memorial Day is a family tradition for the Gustafons that started 30 years ago. Timothy’s father was in the military, and chose to march on that commemorative day. One year, shortly after Timothy joined the Air Force, his father asked him to join in marching with an honor guard. That practice has continued every since.

   Timothy and Lori served in the Air Force for four years active duty and then 27 years in the reserves. So, their children saw firsthand what military service was about.  When asked whether he expected his sons to join when they grew up, Tim replied, “I didn’t push them one way or the other. But I did tout the benefits of service. Being in the military allowed me to do a lot of things that I wouldn’t have been able to do otherwise,” says Timothy. “I got a college degree, I learned skills that I could take with me, and got to travel around the world.”  He and his wife were deployed to such varied places as South America, Germany, France and Korea during their tenure.

   Timothy was a civil engineer in the Air Force. He got his degree in Law Enforcement, and later joined the Chautauqua County Sheriff’s Department, from which he retired about ten years ago. He says that being in the reserves while also holding a full-time job wasn’t always easy. “It’s not like the commercial says, ‘one weekend a month and two weeks a year.’ I often was deployed for several months at a time. It’s hard on the family, and it’s hard on your employer. But everyone made it work. We have a strong family,” Tim explained.

   Their son, Senior Master Sergeant Vince Gustafson, serves in the Air Force, also in civil engineering, and has been active for over 25 years. He has been deployed twice to combat zones. Another son, Tech Sergeant Kevin Gustafson, just retired from active duty after 20 years in AWACS for the Air Force.  Their wives Heather and Danielle also retired in the Air Force.

   Vince and Heather’s Daughter, Lily, is active in the Navy. She is stationed in Norfolk on the Iwo Jima. Her fiancé, Xander Gray, is active in the Army and is stationed near Norfolk.

   Please thank this amazing family for three generations of service and for their dedication!


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