Day in the Life: EVL’s Nerissa Coppin

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By Kate Bartlett

   Nerissa Coppin might not be very well known to many in the Ellicottville area, but she has quietly settled in the area with her family and is progressively making connections in the community. With an extensive international healthcare background in both her home country of Grenada and various cities around the United States, Nerissa has become recognized as a trusted Primary Care Physician practicing Family Medicine.

Nerissa advanced through schooling quickly, pushed along with her mother’s encouragement. She graduated High School at age 16 with a Bachelor’s in Biology degree at age 19 and was granted a scholarship to Med School at St. George University. She heard of a program in Bradford, Pennsylvania, and started practicing as a Primary Care Physician in Family Medicine at Bradford Hospital in 2019. Finally, Nerissa and her husband settled in Ellicottville, where they finally found a place that they felt belonged.

  Born and raised in a small village in Grenada, a small country in the South Caribbean, Nerissa’s upbringing was much different that our everyday lives. Her village consisted of around 200 people, many of which suffered economic hardships and poverty. “My mother always told me that each generation should be better than the last. She pushed me and encouraged me to do better every day. My grandmother worked hard as a laborer harvesting vegetables and as a seamstress. I looked up to my mother as a teacher, but she pushed me to strive for more.”

   Nerissa advanced through schooling quickly, pushed along with her mother’s encouragement. She graduated High School at age 16 with a Bachelor’s in Biology degree at age 19 and was granted a scholarship to Med School at St. George University. She completed 2 years of basic sciences in her home country, and 2 years of clinical training in New York City at a NYU affiliate hospital. “I found New York City to be very overwhelming. It was a shock to me coming from my small village in Grenada.” She gained valuable resources through her training at NYU and formed lasting friendships.

   Searching for a different, smaller city experience, Nerissa moved to Philadelphia where she completed 3 years of residency at Drexel University. She met Carrigon, her now husband, and moved to his home city of Toronto. Nerissa began to realize that city living wasn’t for her, and she craved a slower paced, simpler lifestyle. She heard of a program in Bradford, Pennsylvania, and started practicing as a Primary Care Physician in Family Medicine at Bradford Hospital in 2019. Finally, Nerissa and her husband settled in Ellicottville, where they finally found a place that they felt belonged. “Ellicottville was the perfect fit for us. It offers a slower pace and many adventures in the great outdoors, and a lively main street full of restaurants and live entertainment like we enjoyed in the big cities. The community and neighbors have been so welcoming. We finally feel like we found our home.”

   Nerissa enjoys seeing generations of families in her practice. “I feel so fortunate to be able to treat entire families. It grants me the opportunity to help the entire family, and it offers the opportunity for a more personal approach.” Her favorite thing about her job is listening to her patients. “In today’s world, we move so fast, and so many people forget to listen. I really try to take the opportunity to listen to every patient, and hear what they are saying. In some cases, we might not be able to make someone better, but we can always make them feel better, by listening.”

   Nerissa is becoming active in the Ellicottville community in the Rotary club and attends the Holy Name of Mary Catholic Church. Her husband, Carrigon, is the Human Resources Coordinator at Holiday Valley and recently became a volunteer firefighter in Ellicottville. “We have slowly been laying down our roots here in Ellicottville, and are gradually becoming more active in the community. We are so happy to have found our home and to be raising our 22-month-old daughter, Carissa, here. Ellicottville is the perfect balance of a small town with a lively community. There’s always something to do.” Nerissa and her family enjoy a quiet, simple approach to life, and appreciate the opportunity to explore the great outdoors. “We love biking and hiking as a family. I love to read and bake; I just have to make time!”

   Nerissa frequently visits her mother in Grenada, and reflects on the small village she was raised in. She hopes to be able to give back to this community in the near future by offering health screenings and other medical services. “In Philadelphia, we had a great community service network. We were able to serve a Homeless Shelter and Salvation Army Rehab Unit on a weekly basis. I really hope to be able to bring this experience to our community here in Ellicottville and in my home country in Grenada in some manner.”

Nerissa lives by the motto ‘it doesn’t matter who you are, where you came from, or what your role is; people will only remember how you made them feel. We always have the opportunity to listen and to be kind, no matter if it’s the President, the janitor, the bus driver or the cashier at the grocery store. We can always take a moment to be kind.”


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