3rd Thursday Event Returns to Jamestown
Live Music Through Summer at Winter Garden

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By Darlene Mae O’Connor

   I went to a garden party to reminisce with my old friends, a chance to share old memories and play our songs again. Ricky Nelson sang a song about it, but Jamestown set the stage and our musicians rocked the sun to setting in style on our first 3rd Thursday Garden Party of the 2023 Summer Concert Series. I am immensely grateful to Joel Peterson of the Wine Cellar for his hospitality. A gentleman and a scholar, is he, and a true believer in the possibilities of what we are going to accomplish in this city of trees hidden in the hills. Joel’s encouragement and support kept me on course through the weeks of planning and of course his staff members are the bee’s knees. Jose will be the next rock star of tending bar, Danny Thomas down the street currently holds the title. He taught me everything I already knew back in the day when Jose Cuervo only came in gold and Pauly would Bemus up the Bands at the Surf Club.

Author of the article and organizer of the 3rd Thursday events downtown Jamestown, Darlene Mae O’Connor.

  On our most humbled band stand and at only seventeen, Miranda Wilcox had quite a following. She did not disappoint any of us as she performed her magic at the mic. She will be wowing crowds on countless stages hither and yon for years to come. Greg Lake was 12 when he wrote Lucky Man; I forgot to ask Miranda when she wrote her first song, but I will. While her mom and dad take no credit for her talent, you know they played the best music in their house as she was growing up. I have to give kudos here to my friend and yours, David Niles, Events Coordinator of The Roger Tory Peterson Institute Lodge, for finding her first. He is another believer in Tree Spirit. I am so grateful he came by to say hello and give me a nod and a poke. He and his lovely Julia are busy with their new song bird, Hudsyn. Lucky for her she looks like her mom and has a little fuzz on her cranium. Though without a doubt she will be as tenacious and kind as her dad. Thank you for supporting our local everything and leading the way to the potentiality of finding our best future.

   I have to dive deep to find accurate descriptive words befitting of our local Queen of soul and song. The one and only Sabrina Gustafson. She and the boys of Son were off the Rails of that Crazy Train of Music Madness last Thursday. This woman rivals Ozzy singing his iconic classic. Her ability to seduce us with Tennessee Whiskey and then convince us that she is the Voodoo Child is nothing less than genius guile. I am smitten with her style, class and character. She is deeply dedicated to her craft, her fellow musicians and her fans, but she has two daughters that get first dibs on her heart. I am inclined to believe her girls didn’t fall far from the tree and will be as powerful and poised as their mother. Her eldest is involved with Jamestown’s outstanding Infinity program and I’m certain we will hear her voice from a microphone in the not-so-distant future.

   Speaking of Infinity…one of my first brushes with music greatness since my return from the Gulf coast of Florida, teaches at the esteemed and enlightened establishment of cultural learning and artistic expression. He is also the Program Director at our local radio station, WRFA. Gavin honors his craft and his fellow artisans. He handled that bass guitar with such skill and swag it would make Geddy Lee blush with pride. Though I must declare; I have never seen Geddy play while lying on his back, not even in his prime. I was trying to set my shot for a pic and I couldn’t find Gavin, which is odd as it is usually the drummer I have to fight to fix my lens on. An extremely respectful and responsive person, Gavin values a person’s time. I was so glad to meet his lovely mother Cindy Lafferty and personally thank her for her gift to the world. I want to thank Gavin for making corrections and cluing me in when my OG grandma syndrome started to show. I feel so grateful for his willingness to jam and help save this event. The minute I stepped out of my old self and into this endeavor, I found myself making my way up the stairs and into the studio of low power to the people. He not only answered the door, he was the answer to my question of whether I should or should not take this challenge on. He said he would help if he could, and he did, and I appreciate him for it.

   Oh, but how does one find words to adequately explain Mr. Jed Thomson? I’m not sure there exists words to describe this man’s talent. I don’t even know what lane to put him in. Is it with Alex Lifeson, lead guitar for Rush? Maybe Carlos Santana or Marillion’s Steve Rothery? Whether as the duet with Sabrina or with all the Sons, Jed is the undisputed Alfa on lead Guitar. I was very fortunate to have met some of his family during an Ellicottville excursion, and his mom could possibly rival me as the most “extra” mom as it pertains to experiencing the joy of seeing sons fly! Thank you for the excited reactions I would hear from your contemporaries and followers alike, as I was sharing with others that if we got the spot, you were willing to play. I have only one critique. Do a writer a solid and talk a little. It is easier for us that way and modesty is no excuse for making us work harder.

   Got to have that precise percussion and the Sons had the Professor of Percussion Marc Scapelitte on the sticks and skins for this gig. He’s got that rhythm that makes you move your feet and keeps you shaking those tailfeathers. They used to call me Mean Darlene the Dancing Machine and I would know if he had missed a beat. After all, I broke heals dancing to the music this Band rocks with perfection. I wish my high school math teacher, Mr. Giuffrida, had been a drummer. I might have passed math for the blonde impaired. If only they would teach Pythagorean theorem before they hit us with pre-algebra. No matter, I may be OG slow and not remember math anymore, or where I left my keys, phone or my way whenever I visit my happy place at Roger Tory Peterson Institute, but I still got that rhythm and I thank you Marc Scapelitte for reminding my feet.

   Of course, there is no show without the, and Josh Ahlmquist raised the bar again for our 2023 summer concert series. Thanks to him for bringing the whole family in on the job. Providing the equipment and operating the board is a tough: physically, technically and mentally and too often under-appreciated. It is even tougher acoustically out of doors and I promise you there was not one complaint made by anyone. Mega Sound is where you go to hire the pros of precision sound and professional staging. And as an added bonus, he invited his super fly father for a few kicks and to let there be Lights. Thanks, Marc, for trying to teach this old gal the new tricks in staging and AI, but what you know took too many years to get good at it. I will stick with wordsmithing. The town is safer that way.

Life is Short, People, Dance!

   My greatest Thanks, are of course to the wonderful people in our neighborhood. Even those who came from as far away as the dad and son duo from Manhattan. On their way back to the city that never sleeps for summer break from my alma mater, SUNY @ UB, they stumbled upon our Pearl City. Both were duly impressed and will be here for our August 3rd Thursday Extravaganza, as they are planning their return to the hallowed halls of learning. The young man is bound for greatness. I know, because he found the secret to the underground tunnels that sheltered those smart enough to find their way through, from the frozen tundra that is the Lockport, campus. I am thrilled to say, I made acquaintances from across the QEW. Canuks taking in the beauty found only in our hills and valleys, and a lovely couple from Pittsburgh. What made me smile the most, of course, were the familiar faces from right here at home. I was thrilled to see so many people had gotten the word in short order, but if I did not get to say hello to those homeys I harangued with flyers in the Foote Avenue Plaza parking lot, willing with my Jedi Forces to come, please forgive the old lady wearing a hat. I appreciate everyone who came to play in the Winter Garden Plaza in support of our incredible and incomparable musicians.

   One more Giant shout out to Mr. Joe Rice. He is our real time Concert Series Artist. If you have not seen the renderings he has created while the musicians perform, please pop in to say hello to the lovely Leslie Calemiri, of the Chautauqua Art Gallery. She will greet and melt you with her smile. No one does the local art scene quite like Leslie. She is one of the area’s finest artisans and will give you a tour of the exhibits and the extraordinary pieces created by the hands of Artists from all over the southern tier. Leslie is definitely born of Tree Spirit. She was just awarded the Joan P. Shevorey Citizen Forester Award for her commitment to our Tree City and the planting of new saplings that one day will replace the lost canopy along both sides of the Third Street Corridor. Thank you, Leslie. She and Joe will be holding an Auction for the purchase of the pieces he will create during each of our events and the close of the Summer Series.  Miranda’s dad might want to tussle with you if you out bid him for his daughter’s sketch.

   Well, that should square us up for now. You won’t want to miss any of our upcoming concerts. We will have a few surprise guests presenting their works made available through our finest downtown merchants and as always, the music will be inspired.

   The month of June will feature Mike Brunacini and his Piano Prowess taking center stage at 6pm and will be followed by an unforgettable journey through the unique repertoire of original compositions written for the Celtic Harp and Acoustic Guitar in addition to more familiar songs from the era of American influenced psychedelic rock, born of the early 60’s and 70’s. This duo is as unique and unparalleled as they come. Having shared their music with friends of different tastes, I know how they appeal to many who favor a variety of genres. Don’t miss Songs of Sixpence, featuring Ellen Paquette on the Celtic Harp as she brings the heavens down to us as the Troubadour, William Russell, strums the Acoustic Guitar and makes the instrument sound like the voice of an Angel.

    Keep your ears open to the sounds of summer music everywhere and remember it is the Spirit of the trees that will keep our hearts grounded in Hope.


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